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A Sussex Alphabet & A South Downs Alphabet

A Sussex Alphabet & A South Downs Alphabet

A Sussex Alphabet & A South Downs Alphabet


A Sussex Alphabet

Eleanor Farjeon is best known for the lyrics of Morning Has Broken (1931), a hymn later popularised by Cat Stevens. She celebrated a ramble across the South Downs by writing twenty-six poems. Her Sussex A to Z of witty observations first appeared in 1939 as a limited edition of 220 copies published by The Pear Tree Press. This facsimile captures the essence of the county as it was nearly one hundred years ago. Find out more

A South Downs Alphabet

Writers, artists, musicians and poets have all drawn their muse from the South Downs. Twenty-six school children and more mature wordsmiths from across the South Downs National Park celebrate this rich heritage in their own alphabet of verse. This A to Z of creativity will inspire you to cherish and appreciate the beauties on your own doorstep. Find out more

Key Points
  • Two Snake River gems celebrating Sussex packaged together for only £11.99.
  • A lasting testament to the beauties on our very own doorstep.
  • A creative ramble across the South Downs National Park.

A Sussex Alphabet
187mm x 115mm, 56 pages including a facsimile 1939 edition of A Sussex Alphabet originally published by The Pear Tree Press, hardback

A South Downs Alphabet
187mm x 115mm, 76 pages, typographic fonts, hardback